Se presentó el articulo «Galaxy Conqueror: Astronomy, Citizen Science and Gamification» en el LACLO 2016, en San Carlos, Alajuela, Costa Rica. LACLO 2016 es la Décimo primera conferencia latinoamericana de objetos y tecnologías de aprendizaje.
El artículo marca un hito en el trabajo realizado por Matías Celasco, Juan Ignacio Yañez, Roberto Gamen, Alejandro Fernández, Alicia Díaz, y Diego Torres, del que resulto la primer versión del juego serio de ciencia ciudadana, Galaxy Conqueror.
Abstract—Galaxy Conqueror is a serious game for citizen science. Its goal is to guide participants to identify galaxies in a region of the sky known as the Puppis’ Window. Galaxy Conqueror is a on-line game, where each participant plays the role of a galactic explorer, studing a sector of the sky in search of galaxies and extraterrestrial life. When a participant thinks he has found a galaxy, he marks it and becomes its potential conqueror. Other players can express their opinion crediting or discrediting the potential conqueror. Players receive badges according to their performance. Initial evaluation shows that Galaxy Conqueror is an effective tool to channel the volunteers efforts to identify galaxies in the Puppis Window. The game is part of the Ciento ́polis platform for citizen science.
El articulo completo puede descargarse desde aquí: Galaxy Conqueror: Astronomy, Citizen Science and Gamification